Next-Generation Genomics
Date: Summer, 2021
Location: 60 Washington Square
New York University
Organizers: Britt Adamson (Princeton), Teresa Davoli (NYU), Evan Macosko (Broad) Samantha Morris (WUSTL), Randall Platt (ETH), Rahul Satija (NYU), Cole Trapnell (UW)
Update: In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we have decided to postpone this meeting to the summer of 2021. We will update this website with new dates and registration information.
Recent years have given rise to breathtaking advances in genomics, nano-technology, and computation. These fields continue to evolve rapidly, with applications across nearly all biological disciplines. In this conference, we aim to showcase the ‘next-generation’ of genomic methods and technologies, and in particular to provide a platform for junior faculty to present recent discoveries and innovations. This conference will feature advances in both computational and experimental methods, including single cell analysis, genetic engineering, population genetics, and statistical and deep learning. Our inaugural meeting in 2019 featured a dynamic speaker line-up, a capacity audience of >200 attendees, and beautiful summer weather in New York- and we expect a similarly vibrant meeting in 2020.
Conference Hashtag: #nextgengenomics
Contact: [email protected]